What if we had the power to transform suffering into serenity in relationship simply by putting our spiritual principles into practice?
Rooting Your Relationship in Spiritual Practices
10 Quotes That Teach Us How to Be Students of Life
Here are ten quotes that invite us to be students of life, along with reflections to inspire your journey.
Easy Practices for Healing the Body, Mind and Soul
By simply removing that which hinders your natural healing processes, you can begin to experience the healing that once felt elusive.
The ABC’s of Quantum Love: What is Quantum Love?
If you have been searching for a practice that guarantees a radical revolution in any relationship, look no further. Welcome to quantum love.
Magic And Alchemy: The Transmutation of Self
A magician isn’t someone who can manifest material things – that part is easy. A magician is an alchemist; and magic is the transmutation of self.
A Call To Deepen
When I walked away from mainstream spirituality, I felt an intense pull to deepen the connection with my body and my hidden wounds.