So many of us fear the unknown — but do we have to? I’m learning to fully trust the unknown and it’s opened up so many possibilities in my life.
Trusting The Unknown
For so many of us, society has taught us to fear what we can’t see and to hold tightly to the familiar. The problem with this way of living our lives is that many times our familiar is not always the best thing for us. But because we are hard-wired to survive, our bodies have been conditioned to contract when we feel as if we can’t predict what’s going to happen next. It’s that feeling of not being in control that many of us fear.
For most of my life, I’ve felt this way, too. It’s natural to plan for the future and to make sure all of our basic needs are met; but at what point do we go from making sure all of our basic needs are met to staying in an unhealthy situation because we are so afraid of the unknown and change?
I’ve always thought I was a free spirit who could take leaps of faith (and many times in my life I have) but the older I got, the more I noticed myself fearing change. It wasn’t until life began shaking things up for me that I realized how strongly I was holding onto everything around me.
This experience has taught me to shift my perspective of the unknown. Instead of fearing it, I see it as infinite possibilities.
Taking a Leap of Faith
“Replace fear with curiosity.”
Every time I take my kitten on a hike, I’m always amazed because he’s scared of almost everything yet he insists on jumping out of his backpack and walking on his own — even though he keeps his tail poofed out and his back arched almost the entire time.
He lets his curiosity win over his fear every time. He reminds me daily to lean into curiosity. The fear might still be there, but it doesn’t have to control me.
In the midst of uncertainty, I’m taking one of the biggest leaps of my life. The interesting part is that I feel less secure about my self-employment income than I have in over five years, yet I am trusting that everything is going to work out.
After my Year of Letting Go, I decided my word for 2020 is TRUST. I’ve never fully surrendered or trusted at this level before. And at times it feels fucking scary.
I have to remind myself every day to lean into love and that when nothing is sure, everything is possible. I have no idea what this new path will lead to. It could be completely different than I envisioned. But that’s the beauty of it.
Lately, I’ve been really connecting the dots from my past circumstances and I’ve seen how even the things that appeared awful in the moment, were such a blessing in disguise. But we don’t see those as blessings in the moment, do we?
I’m learning to trust that no matter what happens, it’s leading me to the most perfect and beautiful life — even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Life is teaching me so that I can become the person I am meant to be.
It’s teaching me to open my heart a little more.
To surrender a little more.
To let love in.
It’s a process. A beautiful process; just like the caterpillar preparing for her wings.
The truth is: if we wait for our circumstances to be perfect in our lives, then we might never take the next step. They don’t call it a leap of faith because it’s a sure thing.
If you’re going through something similar. I see you. You are brave and so much stronger than you know. Be present for every moment — even the ones that feel uncomfortable. And remember that there’s always love there to catch you. You are never alone.
Aleah says
I love this, my spiritual awakening was actually surrounded by this thought. I was prompted with the question of how open I was to explore the unknown and apparently I just let go completely because right after that I experienced an ego death. (I did have the help of a hallucinogen but it is not my only spiritual experience, it was just the start)
Christy Woodrow says
Amazing! Trusting the unknown can feel so scary at first but I’m really learning to lean into it more. Thank you for sharing your story!!